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Hatsune Miku: Project -DIVA- Dreamy Theater Extend (JPN) PS3 PSN

PS3 Game: Hatsune Miku: Project -DIVA- Dreamy Theater Extend
Publisher: SEGA
Genre: Rhythm Game
Release Date: September 13, 2012
Region: Japan
Languages: Japanese
Disc ID: NPJB-00201

Hatsune Miku: Project -DIVA- Dreamy Theater Extend PS3 ISO Download

Download Size: 5.5GB Direct Link – GDrive – ReactPSN
To Install:
  1. Download PKG file from Direct link. I would use webman and filezilla to move it to the PS3 since it is a large file. Transfer time is 3 minutes with an ethernet cable.
  2. Install ReactPSN if you don’t have it from the link provided.
  3. In the GDrive folder there is the save file (copy it to your PS3) and the rap file. Create a root folder on a usb named exdata and place the rap file there.
  4. Create an account named aa on the PS3
  5. Run ReactPSN and make sure it worked. You should be able to run it now.
  6. Now install UPDATE.pkg
  7. Done! Enjoy.


  1. i get 80010017 ERROR Code after installing the game when i try to launch it. does aynone have a fix? it would be greatly appreciated!

  2. no entiendo mucho que digamos en esto si lo podes explicar mejor como un tutora de un mini video seria mejor

  3. Please can you post dreamy theater 2nd save? Thanks.

  4. Donde se coloca el archivo de guardado???
    Con cuenta llamada "aa", se refiere a usuario, no???
    Ejecutar ReactPSN para que sirve???

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